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Season of Prayer - A Bible Study on Prayer by our very own Pastor Michael J. Martinez, Founder of Guiding Light Prayer Ministry.

Praying to Hear - Written on November 11th, 2008
Prayer must be according to God’s will not according to our own desires.
"Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator." 1 Peter 4:19
Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." James 4:15 Read More >>>

A Pleasure of the Lord - Written on December 2nd, 2006
“The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy” Psalm 147:11 The Lord is a creator who created so that His creation would have all that a merciful, compassionate God can give. Yes, unfortunately we are born with a sinful nature because of sin that entered into His creation from Adam and Eve. Due to a created angel named Lucifer (satan) who was the morning star yet was able to have thought. A thought of pride, that he could be better than his creator, be higher and above God. He deceived Adam and Eve, who brought the first murder case in Cain and started the process of sinful ways. Read More >>>

Effective Fervant Prayer Avails Much - Written on August 4th, 2006
"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much" James 5:15-16 Read More >>>

A Prayer for All of Us - Written on April 11th, 2006
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment." Phil 1:9. Also for this cause I offer up prayers in order that your brotherly love, your good will that is found in Jesus may exceed and abound still more in abundance and remain beyond measure. Still to a greater degree and much more with precise and correct knowledge in an individual perception, not only by the senses but also by the intellect. Paul was a used man by the Father God, and taught well by Jesus Christ the son and filled mightily by the Holy Spirit, taken care of by the angels who look into the face of God the Father always waiting to do His bidding. Read More >>>

A Relationship with Jesus Christ - Written on January 25th, 2006
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Trusting in Your Prayer Life - Written on December 17th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

What would you say ? - Written on December 4th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Are You Ceasing in Your Prayer Life? - Written on November 17th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

What Kills Our Prayer Life - Written on November 8th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Praying Hard in These Times - Written on September 23rd, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Prayer is Strong in Disasters - Written on September 11th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

We Can Pray and Rejoice - Written on September 2nd, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

In My Prayers I Must Ask, Remember and be Reminded - Written on August 26th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Hard Times Call for Hard Prayer - Written on August 13th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Being Broken to be Used in Prayer - Written on August 5th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Keeping your mind on Jesus - Written on July 28th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Come to the Lord and Humble yourself in Prayer - Written on July 26th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Where is Satan when you Pray? - Written on July 15th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Is Praying Politically Correct - Written on July 7th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Your Time in Prayer - Written on July 1st, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Trusting Our Lord in Prayer - Written on June 21st, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Fasting and Prayer - Written on June 3rd, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

Praying for One Another - Written on May 25th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

9. Entering into Temptation & Prayer - Written on May 15th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

8. A Spiritual Meditation - Written on May 6th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

7. Wavering with your prayer life - Written on April 29th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry. Read More >>>

4. Praying in the Spirit and Truth - Written on April 9th, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Guiding Light Praying Ministry Read More >>>

5. Are you Praying to the Dead or to a Living Savior? - Written on March 23rd, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Founder and Pastor of Guiding Praying Light Ministry Read More >>>

1. A Manner of Prayer - Written on March 23rd, 2005
Written by Michael J. Martinez Founder and Pastor of Guiding Praying Light Ministry Read More >>>

The Kinds of Prayer - Written on March 23rd, 2005
At our last reading, we saw how we can approach God in prayer. You will become more intimate with God through prayer as you build your relationship with Jesus Christ, and you will pray often. For me, prayer is as important as being forgiven, because without it, we would be likened to a mute person, unable to express his thoughts. We would not be able to express our thoughts toward God without prayer. It is like visiting your father or mother and trying to speak to them but find that no words come out of your mouth when you are with them. I pray today about relationships in my life, that they could be better. If we are born again and do not speak to our heavenly Father in prayer, then being a Christian would be empty and pointless. Read More >>>

Patience in Prayer - Written on March 23rd, 2005
What is patience? I believe it is a blessing from God, to be able to endure waiting without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. The bible teaches ?For you have need of patience, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promises? (Hebrews 10:36). To be able to endure being hurt, provoked, hated, persecuted for the sake of Jesus Christ. In our trials our Lord Jesus will deliver us; the bible teaches ?but you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra ? what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. Yes and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution? (2 Timothy 3:10-12). See, patience is another key to a successful prayer life and to being able to make it through life, "Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience," (James 1:3) "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing," (James 1:4). Read More >>>

Fruit of the Spirit - Written on March 23rd, 2005
I want to focus in more on God?s love for us, and how that effects our prayer lives, as well as our walk with God (assuming that you are born again as John 3:5 teaches). If your not born again as the Scriptures teach, you may understand this teaching because I will be praying to Jesus for you. If you?re being convicted (that voice in conscience) and God is nudging at your soul, then seek Him out and call out to Him so that you might to be saved Read More >>>

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